No More Excuses.

Are you sick and tired of endlessly tidying your home? Are you ready to take REAL ACTION and get the BIG PUSH you need to get organized? Today is the day you take back control.

  • Watch 30 daily motivational and instructional videos that push you out of your comfort zone.

  • Declutter more from your home than you ever thought possible, without tears, fears or regret.

  • Learn how to create an organized and functional home, without spending a bunch of money on containers.

  • Get a daily butt-kicking email to keep you focused and motivated throughout the process.

  • Enjoy a completely organized and tidy home in just 30 days with our money-back guarantee.


Cassandra Aarssen is the creator of Clutterbug™, a home organizing business which provides education, inspiration and support to over 500,000 families worldwide through her YouTube channel, podcast and various other social media platforms. Cassandra is the host of HGTV's "Hot Mess House" and is also the author of four best-selling organizing books, “Real Life Organizing”, “Cluttered Mess to Organized Success”, “The Clutter Connection” and “The Declutter Challenge". As a recovering “super slob”, Cassandra has discovered through her own journey with clutter, that organization is not one-size-fits-all.

Cassandra Aarssen

Owner of Clutterbug®

Money Back Guarantee

If you show up, take action, do the daily steps and are NOT 100% satisfied at the end of the 30 days, we will refund your money - no questions asked.

In this bootcamp, you will learn...

Are you ready to get organized?

  • How to Declutter Fast

    Discover how to let go of items you don't use or love without fear, anxiety or regret. Create more space in your home in just minutes a day.

  • How to Zone your Home

    You will learn how to zone each space in your home to make it functional and organized, without buying expensive containers or more storage.

  • How to Gain Confidence

    The main goal of this bootcamp is to empower you and give you the confidence to organize and run your home like the boss you are.


  • How long is this Bootcamp?

    Your bootcamp includes 30 days worth of video tutorials. You can watch one each day, or work at your own pace. The videos are yours to keep for a year, so there is no rush!

  • How many hours a day will this take?

    I recommend scheduling 30 minutes per day for this bootcamp. Some days will be much faster, but other days may be a bit longer. It depends on the state of your current home and how fast you work.

  • Is this a lot of work?

    I can't lie, this is going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done (if you plan on doing it in just 30 days). You can space these sessions out, but even then, this Bootcamp is TOUGH. It's designed to whip your home into shape FAST. It's hard, but it's worth it.

  • Is the price USD? Is it a one-time charge?

    The price is $30 USD for the entire Bootcamp. It's a one-time fee, but you have access to the content for a year and can watch it over and over again.


I'm Ready to Get Organized!